The entrance at 140, -86, -397 is right above the Degasi Seabases. Guides Subnautica: Secret Area Location Guide By Olivia Titus Published Subnautica features several hidden areas only the most diligent players will find. The Bladderfish stands out in comparison to other small fish, as it can be used to craft Filtered Water. It can be caught and is edible, mostly populating in the Safe Shallows and the Grand Reef. Utilizing alien resources is a proven survival strategy.PDA The Bladderfish is a small, passive fauna species. The second Degasi seabase can be found here. Alien lifeforms may have unexpected applications. Zapping noises can be heard when around the Ampeel, and when it uses its electrical attacks against other life forms or the player.

Spoiler alert: The following section contains story related material. Ampeels are an aggressive fauna species found dwelling in the Bulb Zone and the Blood Kelp Zone, as individuals or in small groups of two, three, four, maybe even five if you are unlucky enough. The Red Eyeye is identical to an Eyeye in all aspects aside from coloration: Its singular eye possesses a dull orange sclera and an intense red, orange, and yellow iris surrounding its black pupil. It is found in the Inactive Lava Zone and Lava Lakes. Shale Outcrops and Magnetite can be found here, as well as various Large Resource Deposits. The Red Eyeye is a passive fauna species and subspecies of the Eyeye. They display very interesting behavior, such as their affection for metal.

The most notable of these are the Crabsnakes residing in the Jellyshrooms, and the Oculus, both of which are found only in this biome. Stalkers Likely one of the first aggresive fish you will meet on this game, this is the Stalker This fearsome looking fish dwells in two regions throughout Subnautica, particularly in Creepvine Forests and around the crashed Aurora. The cave system has two predatory species and two prey species. The Jellyshroom Cave is a large cavern characterized by a dense population of huge, translucent, purple Jellyshrooms, along with structures such as stalactites and stalagmites.
The Seamoth Perimeter Defense System upgrade is also advisable, but not needed, due to the Crabsnakes’ tendency to ambush the player from the Jellyshrooms themselves.Įxploring the caves with the Prawn Suit is possible but challenging without the Grappling Arm and/or Jump Jet Upgrade to get back out of the caves. The area is explorable via the Seamoth, but it is dangerous to do so without a Seamoth Depth Module MK1 or higher due to the biome's depth. It should be noted that the Seamoth can be damaged by running into a Spadefish.The Jellyshroom Cave is a cave system found below the Grassy Plateaus, Kelp Forest, and Safe Shallows.įour entrances can be found at coordinates: (130 -95 -390), (-360 -110 -225), (-495 -90 15), and (-725 -105 0).

Spadefish can occasionally be found following very closely behind Reefback Leviathans in groups of four to five. They are usually grouped together, making them very common in their respective biomes. Spadefish swim at a moderate pace, occasionally fleeing from the player when approached. The fins and the area around the eye are salmon colored, and, along with the scales, emit a bioluminescent glow at night.
A ring of reddish-pink skin encircles the eye. The Spadefish's body is predominantly teal in color, with brightly-colored scaly patches towards the rear of the creature. Three gill slits lie between the mouth and pectoral fins. The upper "lip" is split at the center and corners. The Spadefish has a broad, yet low, mouth lined with small, pointed teeth. The defining characteristic of the Spadefish is its single large eye which lies atop the creature's triangular body. Lost River Ghost Forest and Northern Blood Kelp Zone, fauna ID: a. Behind its pectoral fins, two tendrils extend towards the tail, which they connect to about midway. Inactive Lava Zone Subnautica Wiki Fandom WebFauna Reefback Leviathan Wiki Page. They have two small pectoral fins and one long dorsal fin that extends across its tail protuding from the back of its triangular head. Spadefish have a flat, irregularly-formed body.